National legislation on organ donation
Main law references
– RT I, 20/03/2015 “Criteria for the selection of donors of cells, tissues and organs”
– RT I, 26/02/2015 ” Law on the procurement, manipulation and transplantation of cells, tissues and organs”
– Law amending the law on the procurement, manipulation and transplantation of cells, tissues and organs (approved on 22/02/2017)
– RT I, 12/02/2003 “Law on the prevention and control of communicable diseases”
- RT I 2000, 104, 685 ” Human Gene Research Act”
– “Law on the implementation of the law on the protection of personal data”
Expression of consent or dissent to the donation and organs that can be donated
Living donation: a written informed consent is required followed both by psychological counseling and by tests and medical examinations that guarantee the possibility and physical ability to donate safely and that ensure that the risk to the donor’s health is minimal.
Post mortem donation: after the death of the potential donor has been ascertained, cells/tissues/organs may be removed for transplantation only if the donor, still alive, had given his consent to organ donation following his death or if there is no information available to reveal his opposition to the donation itself.
Donable organs
Kidney, pancreas, lung, liver, heart, cornea,blood, stem cells, germ cells, embryos, sperm
National legislation on organ donation